Guys Have Fertility Issues Too
Though many choose to deny the facts, men need as much help as women with infertility. Men and women are infertile at equal rates. Male factor infertility happens when a man is unable to get a fertile woman pregnant within 12 months. Low sperm count, sperm mobility, or sperm morphology cause infertility. And what makes male factor infertility so confusing is the numerous factors that can cause the issue. Some issues are common, like erectile dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, and obesity. However, there are a few lesser-known causes of infertility.

1. It’s in the genes
In rare cases, male infertility can be genetic. Klinefelter’s syndrome is one such genetic condition. With Klinefelter, a biological male is born with at least one additional X chromosome. As a result, the testicles are smaller and create less testosterone. The condition often lays dormant until puberty or adulthood. Biological males with Klinefelter have reduced muscle mass, female features, low energy, and reduced social skills. A more severe consequence is infertility. A lack of testosterone means little to no sperm production. While Klinefelter’s is a rare syndrome, as many as 1 in 500 males are born with at least 1 additional X chromosome.
2. Cannabis and male infertility
With many states legalizing marijuana, there’s been a spike in usage. However, recreational drugs like marijuana have been linked to infertility. Prolonged use of the drug causes a temporary high but permanently damages sperm. Marijuana use can reduce both sperm count and sperm mobility.
3. Hard work, low sperm count
Some men work in environments that seem harmful and can cause infertility. Long-term exposure to harsh environments and some chemicals can reduce sperm production. Some pesticides, heavy metals, paints, lead, and mercury are typical examples. These chemicals can affect sperm count, mobility, and even cause ED. Men with unexplained infertility should assess exposure to chemicals at work.
Diagnosing the source of infertility
Men who are unable to have children after 12 months may be infertile. But is there a way to find the root cause? A doctor can help with a proper diagnosis. For starters, the doctor will complete a physical test and sperm analysis. The sperm analysis will review sperm count, the sperm’s shape, and mobility. Further checks include ultrasounds, hormone tests, or genetic tests. A proper diagnosis can help pinpoint the issue as best as possible.
It’s time for treatment
Based on the condition, the doctor can take steps to treat infertility. The doctor may prescribe medications to treat infections or hormone problems. In some cases, a minor surgical procedure can remove any obstructions causing infertility. If all else fails, the doctor will suggest fertility treatment. Treatment often entails artificial insemination or donor sperm.
Take your fertility health seriously
Several factors affect male infertility. These include physical, hormonal, and even genetic factors. There are even lesser-known reasons like environmental damage and drug use. If getting pregnant with a partner is proving futile, seek medical help immediately.