Turning To Gestational Surrogacy

Due to severe infertility, complicated pregnancies or same-sex couples may benefit from surrogacy. With surrogacy, another woman carries the baby to term and delivers the child. A traditional surrogate is a woman with a genetic connection to the child. However, a woman carries and delivers a child for another couple or individual with no biological relation to gestational surrogacy. When considering gestational surrogacy, many factors can complicate the decision. Due to severe infertility, complications with pregnancy, or same-sex couples. Asking these 4 questions can bring hopeful parents some much-needed clarity.

reunite rx 4 Questions To Ask Before Choosing Gestational Surrogacy

1. Who is an ideal candidate for surrogacy?

There aren’t any definitive rules for who can and cannot become a surrogate mother. But clinics agree on a few points about how to select one. Young, physically and reproductively healthy women that have already given birth to at least one healthy baby are the best candidates. These women should understand the risks of pregnancy, childbirth, and the emotional ties of bonding with a newborn. The ideal candidate should also pass psychological screening, be off anti-depressants, and be willing to stick to surrogacy rules. The fertility clinic or surrogate team will ensure the surrogate meets these criteria.

2. Can a gestational surrogate keep the baby?

With gestational surrogacy, both intended parents have genetic ties to the baby thanks to sperm, egg, or a donor. Therefore, intended parents have legal parental status thanks to biological links. The gestational surrogate has no legal rights to the child and cannot claim to be the mother. Most states have surrogacy-friendly laws that ensure full parental rights to the baby. An experienced attorney will outline when the surrogate hands over the child to the biological parents.

3. What will happen after surrogacy?

For some future parents, surrogacy is purely transactional. For others, there will be some curiosity about the relationship between the child and the surrogate. These parents would want the surrogate to have contact with the child in the future. Of course, this will be dependent on the wishes of the surrogate. The surrogate agency or fertility clinic will arrange the particular arrangements.

4. Is it costly?

The total cost depends on several factors. These include many embryo transfers are required, and if an egg or sperm donor is sourced, and even medical insurance. An agency helps to find a surrogate and make arrangements. In addition, they act as go-betweens and collect fees passed between intended parents and the surrogate, such as paying for medical expenses. Discuss the average cost of gestational surrogacy with the provider and payment provisions if needed.

Get informed about surrogacy

Starting or growing a family is a beautiful experience, and everyone deserves the chance to bring new life into the world. For some hopeful parents, surrogacy is the best solution. However, the process can be long and complicated. Make sure to ask the agency as many questions as possible. The following 9 months of pregnancy are vital.

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