Top 5 Misconceptions About Infertility
Infertility is a complex and often misunderstood condition and there’s much confusion surrounding fertility issues. There are some common myths like getting pregnant is easy that should be cleared up.
How to be supportive
Despite the medical and technological advancements in the field of fertility treatment, misconceptions about infertility still abound. Understanding some of the common myths will help through the fertility issue.
1. Stress causes infertility
While stress can be related with conceiving, stress neither causes infertility nor failure of fertility treatment. This myth unfairly places the responsibility of infertility on the woman’s shoulders when this, in fact, may not be the case. In reality, male factors are responsible for infertility in 35% of cases.
2. Age does not affect fertility
Even people who are extremely fit and healthy are affected by age. Aging will make eggs or sperm less viable over time. Age is actually the most critical factor of fertility viability. Even the latest in medical technology cannot extend the biological clock by much.
3. Ovulation day is key
Many people believe the day of ovulation is the only day to conceive, this is the most popular myths and is completely false. Each woman has a window of optimum time to conceive. That fertile window opens three days before ovulation and remains open until up to 48 hours after ovulation.
4. Regular periods equal fertility
Even women who have regular menstrual cycles can experience infertility. Menstruation is not the only key factor to indicate fertility. Menstruation alone does not indicate the right environment for a healthy egg. What’s more, even if eggs are produced on a regular basis, this does not necessarily mean that the eggs are viable.
5. More embryos means higher success
Many people believe women who undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF) will have a much higher chance of a successful pregnancy. Having more embryos implanted, is not the answer to producing a pregnancy. Recent studies show that implanting two embryos as opposed to one in any particular IVF cycle can actually decrease the chance of a successful pregnancy is one embryo is poorer quality than the other.
When to talk to an expert
Couples who are experiencing problems when trying to become pregnant should consult a fertility expert. This type of medical professional will be able to diagnose the cause of infertility and explain the different types of fertility treatments available. This will give the couples plenty of time to consider their options.