Infertility is not uncommon
Infertility issues can be difficult. It is important to realize this is not uncommon. There are things to know about infertility that might increase chances of pregnancy.
How is infertility defined?
Trying to get pregnant without success to conceive for twelve months is considered infertile. After a year of unsuccessful conception, it is typically time to consult a fertility specialist.
What can you do?
Infertility may be beyond your control. However, there are some lifestyle choices and health modifications can improve the couple’s health and increase fertility chances.
1. You are not alone
About 1 in 8 couples are infertile. The infertility issues could be with either gender or both partners combined. Know that male factor infertility is just as common as female factor infertility. Often people feel isolated when their dreams of parenthood are put on hold, but there are many support groups available to help.
2. Body weight is important
Whether underweight or overweight, it is important to know that there are some simple health and lifestyle changes that may increase chances of conceiving. Body weight can play a large part in infertility.
3. How much you exercise
Moderate exercise can be a boost to fertility while excessive exercise can make conception more difficult.
4. Watch the caffeine and nicotine consumption
Drinking an excess of caffeine, which means more than 500 mg/day, can make conception difficult. Likewise, excessive alcohol consumption can decrease fertility chances, as does the nicotine found in cigarettes.
5. Easy to correct hormonal imbalance
And finally, infertility may be caused by something very simple to correct such as correctly timing an ovulation cycle, an easily treated hormone imbalance, or even an underactive thyroid.
When should you seek a fertility specialist?
If after actively trying to conceive for a year with a healthy lifestyle and no success, it is time to pay a visit to a fertility specialist. Couples over age 35 should consult a fertility specialist after about six months of trying to conceive. The next steps are examinations, health histories, and testing to help find the reason for infertility. Once those things are discovered, a fertility specialist can help devise the best plan.