Unbalanced And Infertile
Hormones are chemicals in the body that dictate many functions for health and wellness. Men require a delicate balance of hormones for energy, muscle mass, and fertility. Testosterone is the primary driver of male function. Should testosterone decrease, an increase in estrogen occurs, leading to unpleasant results. Other hormones include follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH) and luteinizing hormones (LH), which are essential for sperm health. Cortisol, the stress hormone, and prolactin also dictate sexual health. When men experience hormonal imbalances, there are often 3 signs that can’t be ignored.
1. Changes in sexual function
Hormones play a crucial role in male fertility and sexual function. Testosterone is essential for libido, erectile function, muscle mass, and energy. Hormone imbalances disrupt the natural production of testosterone. Low testosterone leads to lower libido, erectile dysfunction (ED), and reduced sperm function. Additionally, hormone imbalances create reduced FSH and LH production. These hormones impact sperm quality, sperm count, and semen. Men may struggle to get a partner pregnant, have low sexual function, or contribute to recurrent pregnancy loss.
2. Unexplained weight gain or loss
Essential hormones like testosterone support muscle mass and weight in men. Healthy testosterone levels are essential for muscle growth and ensure estrogen remains low. High estrogen levels lead to weight gain, particularly in the abdomen and chest. Hormone imbalances also impact metabolism, insulin resistance, and energy expenditure, leading to weight gain. Low testosterone also leads to increased cortisol, the stress hormone. High cortisol encourages the body to retain fat, increases inflammation, and lowers testosterone.
3. Mood swings
Hormones also play a crucial role in maintaining or managing moods and emotions. High testosterone also helps with positive moods, increased dopamine, and higher forms of motivation. In contrast, hormone imbalances, notably cortisol and testosterone, lead to mood swings, irritability, and higher rates of anxiety, stress, and depression. If men are experiencing sudden mood swings or higher rates of indifference or depression, hormones may be at play.
Your hormones and male-factor infertility
Unbalanced hormones are a primary cause of male-factor infertility. Statistics show that 10% of men struggle to get a partner pregnant after at least 6 months of trying. If fertility is a concern, a urologist or endocrinologist can perform blood tests to measure FSH, LH, and testosterone. A semen analysis can also help confirm male-factor infertility. Hormonal imbalances can be treated with hormone replacement therapy (HRT), such as testosterone replacement, human chorionic replacement (hCG) therapy, or gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) therapy. Lifestyle changes like diet and exercise can also help balance hormones and improve fertility.
Surgery and alternative treatments
A fertility appointment can reveal underlying issues, like blockages, which can impact fertility. For instance, varicocele is a common condition where veins in the testes obstruct the natural flow of sperm or disrupt sperm production. A simple surgical procedure can remove the obstruction, improving reproductive function. Some men may require treatment for the pituitary gland or hypothalamus, which can impact FSH and LH production. These hormones dictate sperm production and sperm quality. Treatment includes medication or surgery. Once a diagnosis is made, the medical team will determine the best course of action, considering the patient’s long-term health.
Assisted reproductive technology
When all else fails, there are a host of fertility procedures available to increase the success rate of pregnancy. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) allows a fertility clinic to medically transfer a sperm sample into a woman’s cervix to increase the chances of pregnancy. There are also assisted reproductive technologies (ART), such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), which involves creating an embryo in a fertility lab to transfer to the woman’s uterus. Other techniques, like intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and testicular sperm extraction (TESE), can be considered in more serious situations.
Fertility starts with healthy hormones
For men, hormone imbalances can be an indicator of fertility problems. Some men will notice reduced sexual function, weight gain, mood swings, and other side effects. Doctors encourage men to take these signs seriously and seek help. A fertility assessment can help determine the underlying cause of the hormone imbalance. The proper treatment, including ART, can help start or grow a family and address hormone deficiencies for a healthier life.