7 Things Everyone Should Know About IVF

IVF is a very popular fertility treatment yet for many, the treatment is still shrouded in mystery. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about IVF and the clarifying answers.

ReUnite Rx 7 Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions About IVF Treatment

1.How long should a couple wait before consulting a fertility specialist?

Typically, patients seek fertility advice after twelve months of trying unsuccessfully to conceive. For women who are over the age of 35, doctors recommend seeking advice after six months. Women over 40 who have decided to have a child, should seek advice straight away.

2.Who is a good candidate for IVF?

IVF is not right for everyone with fertility issues. Generally, IVF works best for women who are experiencing infertility which is caused by endometriosis or a damaged or blocked fallopian tube. IVF may also be suitable for women who have irregular ovulation cycles.

3.How should a woman prepare for IVF?

Women who are about to undergo IVF should prepare for the emotional toll that this treatment can take. Joining a support group and talking to other women who are undergoing IVF can help. Learning as much as possible about the process including the risks involved is also important.

4.Will, there be side effects?

As with most complicated medical procedures, IVF does have a risk of side effects. Some women experience a reaction to the ovulation stimulation drugs such as mood changes, hot flashes, and weight gain. If an embryo transfer does not implant properly, a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy can result.

5.What happens if the first IVF cycle is unsuccessful?

Sometimes, the first IVF cycle does not work. However, this does not necessarily mean that all is lost. The fertility specialist may recommend steps which could help to increase the chances of a successful cycle next time, such as switching hormone medications.

6.Is natural pregnancy possible after IVF?

Natural pregnancy is possible after IVF because IVF does not affect a woman’s chance of conceiving naturally. There are no guarantees that this will occur, but the chance is always there. However, IVF does not increase the chance of a natural pregnancy.

7.How long does IVF take?

IVF can take anywhere between four and six weeks prior to egg retrieval. The embryo is implanted around five days after egg retrieval. There is then a two-week wait before a pregnancy test.

Finding a specialist

Women who are considering IVF and wish to know more about this form of fertility therapy should speak to a fertility specialist. When choosing an IVF clinic, women should look for a facility which has a good success rate. Doing some research beforehand can make a difference.

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