Exploring The Idea Of Gender Selection

The biopsy phase of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) takes only seconds. Along with the fast pace of the procedure, the hundreds of clinics that offer PGD, and the high success rates across multiple pregnancy options, from clinical pregnancies to multiple-birth deliveries, potential parents are wondering if PGD is the right option for gender selection. The main purpose of the procedure is geared more toward reducing the risk of inherited conditions being passed on to children.

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Understanding PGD beyond genetic profiling

PGD is a method used before implantation to perform genetic profiling of embryos. The main intention for this is to evaluate an embryo for any sign of genetic disorders as well as possible birth defects and is performed after in vitro fertilization (IVF) is done. While this process is used to test for known genetic conditions, the process can also be used for gender identification.

How the process works

Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) is a popular choice for potential parents to choose the sex of the baby. The procedure won’t damage the embryo when done properly and the process only consists of a few steps. A cell will be removed from the embryo and probes will be used to test for abnormalities. After the complete evaluation, intended parents can expect to have the results back within days in most cases.

Outlining the pros and cons

Like with any procedure, PGD does present advantages and disadvantages. What those interested should know is that the procedure will greatly improve embryo selection and one of the most beneficial advantages is the prevention of transmitting any known or unknown abnormalities.

Noticing the additional benefits

What intended parents may find as an additional attractive benefit is that PGD shortens the time needed to get pregnant. Overall, for gender selection, the accuracy rate has proven to be high for the procedure and is known as one of the most reliable methods for gender selection.

Taking note of the few disadvantages

A few disadvantages worth noting are that the procedure can be invasive. However, the chance of the embryo being damaged is rare. Additionally, some women may go through a cycle where an embryo will not be transferable.

Discussing the success rates of PGD

Gender selection through PGD has high success rates of accuracy. Fertility specialists can identify if an embryo has X chromosomes allowing for the determination of whether the child will be a female. Just as easily, X and Y embryos can be identified to determine if the child will be male. With this high level of accuracy, intended parents can find out the exact gender before implantation.

A promising method

Gender selection by use of PGD could be a reliable option for anyone interested in achieving pregnancy with a certain gender. This is the only procedure with a high success rate making this a safe, dependable, and desirable method to reflect the desired conception.

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