Achieving The Perfect Balance
Some couples want an equal number of male and female children in the family. However, this is nearly impossible to achieve when getting pregnant naturally, and a visit to the fertility clinic is required. The fertility team may suggest family balancing, a process that uses assisted reproductive technology (ART) to choose the gender before getting pregnant. Sperm sorting is 1 option usually presented to achieve this result. The procedure involves identifying the sperm of the desired gender in each sample. From there, the clinic proceeds with an in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure. While sperm sorting can work, IVF with preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a more effective way to select a specific gender.

Is sperm sorting reliable?
Sperm sorting can work but is not a guaranteed option for family balancing. For instance, the resulting embryo could be lost to miscarriage since the preferred gender is not always the strongest candidate. Furthermore, some patients need multiple rounds of egg and sperm harvests to have a successful pregnancy. Failed cycles place an emotional and financial burden on couples. With sperm sorting, the clinic may transfer more than 1 embryo to the uterus, meaning multiples are possible. Using IVF with PGD makes gender selection a safer, easier, and more accurate option.
IVF with PGD
For patients who opt for IVF with PGD, both partners will undergo a full genetic screening, including checks for markers associated with several diseases or disorders. The embryos also undergo genetic testing to identify the healthiest embryo, free from any genetic disorders, for implantation. Using this information, clinicians can select the highest quality embryos of the desired gender to be implanted into the mother’s uterus. PGD increases pregnancy chances and avoids multiple rounds of egg and sperm harvesting.
An accurate approach
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis reveals any genetic abnormalities and reports the gender of embryos. Studies show that PGD can identify gender with almost 99% accuracy. This data allows the selection of high-quality embryos with the desired gender. Not only will the chances of having a boy or girl increase, but the family can avoid genetic conditions for the child.
Are there any limitations?
In vitro fertilization with PGD cannot guarantee a 100% chance of successful gender selection. However, the results are a significant improvement over traditional methods, including sperm sorting. The cost of IVF with PGD is higher than traditional IVF, but many couples are still happy to consent to this additional test. Couples considering IVF with PGD should carefully weigh the risks and benefits before committing to the procedure.
The right gender for you
Sperm sorting is a popular, cost-effective choice to achieve family balancing, but many limitations exist. IVF with PGD is a more practical and accurate option for selecting the desired gender of the baby. This procedure can almost guarantee a boy or girl, reduces the likelihood of miscarriage, and increases the chances of a successful pregnancy.