ReUnite Rx Pregnancy Symptoms Frozen Embryo Transfer What to Expect

When Do Symptoms Start After Frozen Embryo Transfer?

After you have completed a frozen embryo transfer, next comes the two-week wait. This is the 15-day period during which embryo implantation is expected to occur. If you become pregnant, your levels of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) will begin to rise, and you will begin to notice pregnancy symptoms.

Common pregnancy symptoms after frozen embryo transfer

If implantation is successful and you become pregnant, you may experience some of all of the following symptoms:

Vaginal discharge

Spotting may occur during the first five days following embryo transfer. It is caused by elevated hormone levels.

Missed period

An absence of menstruation is one of the earliest signs that you are pregnant.

Breast changes

You may notice that your breasts become softer, firmer, or more swollen than usual. Your nipples may feel more tender, and your areolas may become darker.

Increased desire to urinate

The increase in your hCG level can lead to a constant urge to urinate. This can be due to pregnancy but may occur if you have been using hormone shots after implantation.


Increasing hormones can also lead to nausea, or morning sickness, though not all pregnant women experience this.


It is common to feel tired during the early stages of pregnancy. Fatigue is thought to be caused by increased levels of the hormone progesterone. This hormone helps the fetus to grow, and metabolism is running high, depleting your energy.

When will these symptoms pass?

Symptoms such as nausea, sore breasts, and fatigue usually pass after the first trimester. Three months might seem like a long time to have to deal with those symptoms so here are some tips to help you get by:


Eating smaller, more frequent meals can help calm morning sickness. You might also want to try skipping spicy or strong-smelling foods or soothing your stomach with ginger.

Sore breasts

Your breasts are changing as the milk ducts form. The best way to find relief is to get fitted for a new bra that will comfortably accommodate these changes.


If you feel tired, get some rest. Your sleeping pattern change as your pregnancy develops. If you’re not getting enough sleep at night, try to snatch a nap when you can.

During a successful pregnancy, you will notice pregnancy symptoms around two weeks after embryo transfer. Typically, the symptoms will pass after a few months, so you can continue to enjoy your pregnancy.