Healthy Body, Successful IVF

In vitro fertilization (IVF), a form of assisted reproductive technology (ART), is a specialized medical procedure to help women get pregnant. Women who pursue IVF must undergo a multi-step process that involves medication and surgery to extract eggs. The entire process can be grueling on the body, so IVF patients should maintain a healthy lifestyle for maximum results.


The side effects of IVF medication

A major part of the IVF process is taking fertility medication to stimulate egg production and growth. Possible side effects associated with fertility medication include nausea, headaches, bloating, vomiting, weight gain, and shortness of breath. In rare instances, patients may develop ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), a serious condition where the ovaries swell, and fluid starts leaking into the abdomen. Although some side effects are unavoidable, certain lifestyle changes can help keep discomfort to a minimum while undergoing treatment.

Healthy diet

The success rate of the IVF procedure depends largely on the health of the patient. Food provides the nutrients, minerals, and vitamins needed to properly nourish the embryo and maintain a healthy pregnancy. An IVF cycle can take months to complete, so patients should eat foods like green leafy vegetables, eggs, whole grains, salmon, avocado, and spinach during the entire process for the best results. Patients should refrain from foods high in saturated fats and cholesterol. Patients should also limit consumption of fried foods, alcohol, and caffeine.

Managing weight

Another known side effect of fertility medication is weight gain. Patients should maintain a healthy weight within the proper body mass index (BMI) range. BMI is calculated based on a person’s height and weight. Women who are significantly under or overweight can experience irregular cycles, IVF complications, and may be more likely to have a high-risk pregnancy.

Getting enough exercise

Individuals going through an IVF cycle should exercise regularly. Exercise will help combat bloat, help maintain a healthy weight, and naturally uplift mood. Sometimes, patients are scared to exercise because of concerns about disrupting the uterus. Light exercise like hiking, jogging, and using the elliptical or spin machines is typically acceptable. On the other hand, extreme workout routines may lead to an irregular cycle or absent period, which can negatively affect fertility. Patients should speak to a medical professional regarding an appropriate exercise regimen.

Taking supplements

Doctors may also suggest prenatal vitamins or certain supplements for patients undergoing IVF treatment. Folic acid supplements are particularly helpful for women undergoing IVF treatment. Folate is vital to the growth and development of a fetus and can reduce the risk of birth defects. Other essential nutrients during the pre-conception and pregnancy period include vitamin D, calcium, iron, and choline.

Optimal health for IVF success

Staying healthy and maintaining a regular cycle during the IVF process can increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. Dietary improvements, maintaining an appropriate weight, working out, and taking certain supplements under the direction of a healthcare provider can all help. With a strong, healthy, and regulated body, a healthy pregnancy is possible.

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