Why AMH Matters
The anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) has a vital role in the development of the baby’s sex organs. Male babies have more levels of AMH than female babies. A woman’s ovarian follicles produce AMH and this hormone can predict a woman’s ability to become pregnant. The level of AMH can determine a woman’s ovarian reserve.

AMH test determines ovarian reserve
Women make thousands of eggs during the reproductive years, but as one ages, the number decreases. The doctor may recommend the AMH test when a woman has difficulty conceiving. The hormone test can determine the number of eggs left in the ovaries, called an ovarian reserve. A high level of AMH means more eggs and a high ovarian reserve. A low AMH means fewer eggs and low ovarian reserve.
AMH and pregnancy chances with IVF
During in vitro fertilization (IVF), many eggs are used for fertilization but not all become fertilized successfully. This can be tougher for older women therefore, test such as AMH is recommended by the doctor. A low level of AMH means a lower chance of IVF success. One research found that AMH can be a good prognostic factor for older women and help to determine IVF success. The test also tells a woman’s response to fertility drugs that are needed for ovarian stimulation during the IVF process.
Effective for older women
AMH test does not help in determining pregnancy outcomes in younger women. However, the AMH test is effective for older women in the late 30s and up.
Getting familiar with the levels
During adolescence and early reproductive years, the AMH level is within the normal range. However, as a woman gets older, the AMH level goes down. An average AMH is between 1.0ng/mL-3.0ng/mL. A low AMH means below 1.0ng/mL and lower than 0.4ng/mL is considered severely low.
Other interpretations of the levels
A woman with a high level of AMH does not always mean a high level of ovarian reserve. In some cases, a high level of AMH means polycystic ovarian syndrome. A low AMH level does not only mean low ovarian reserve but can also mean menopause.
Getting the test done
The test involves taking a blood sample from the patient’s vein in the arm. The blood test is quick and slight pain or bruise may be felt which resolves quickly. When the results are ready, the healthcare provider will inform and discuss the results and any further steps needed.
AMH is here to help your IVF chances
Doctors may recommend the AMH test to women, especially older women undergoing IVF. The AMH test helps to determine the number of eggs left and the ovarian reserve. The level of AMH correlates with the success of IVF. If any abnormality is seen, the doctor will suggest the next step.