Decrease Stress, Increase Success
In vitro fertilization (IVF) can offer hope and optimism for couples trying to get pregnant. But, during the treatment process, many hopeful parents experience significant stress and strain. Particularly during the embryo transfer process, many women deal with a lot of anxiety. To get through the waiting game, try these 5 stress-reducing strategies during IVF treatment.
1. Get on your mat
The practice of yoga has been shown to increase the chances of IVF success. For example, one study found that women who did yoga before the embryo transfer had a 63% chance of getting pregnant. Women in the study who did not participate in a yoga practice had only a 43% chance of conceiving. Experts recommend participating in gentle yoga stretches, as strenuous exercise may decrease the chances of a successful embryo transfer.
2. Practice meditation
One of the best ways to lower stress is to incorporate a daily mindfulness habit. Meditation helps to increase self-compassion, relaxation and can help people find better-coping strategies for stress. Mindfulness has been linked to a decrease in anxiety and improved sleep.
3. Alternative therapies
When IVF is done in conjunction with alternative therapies, the results can be astounding. One study found that women who got acupuncture during IVF treatment had a 65% higher chance of conception. These women also had a doubled chance of having a live birth. Acupuncture can have a significant effect on improving mood, reducing inflammation, and supporting the immune system.
4. Give yourself 5 minutes
During IVF treatment, women need to focus on self-care. Some women recommend a strategy of carving out 5 minutes daily to cultivate happiness. This could be anything ranging from talking with a trusted friend, getting a manicure, or buying a latte. The most important part is doing something that will bring happiness and decrease stress.
5. Find a professional to talk to
Anyone struggling with anxiety can benefit greatly from seeing a therapist or counselor. IVF treatment can cause feelings of frustration, anger, and impatience. The anxiety of IVF can cause rifts between couples as well. Some counselors specialize in helping people with the emotional side of infertility. Many of these professionals are willing to see individuals or couples who desire therapy.
It will get better
Although the infertility journey is stressful, there are ways to manage stress. And keeping stress levels down helps to improve the chances of IVF success. For more information about infertility and IVF treatment, speak with a fertility specialist.