Getting Help Getting Pregnant
Most couples assume pregnancy will happen naturally with little to no effort, but the reality is much more complicated. Approximately 9% of men and 11% of women of reproductive age in the US have experienced fertility problems. Identifying infertility early allows people to seek help from a fertility specialist and go on to achieve a healthy pregnancy. Here are 3 signs you shouldn’t ignore if a baby is desired.

1. Irregular periods
A regular menstrual cycle is an important sign of a well-functioning reproductive system. Most women will get a period every 21 to 35 days, and bleeding typically lasts 2-7 days. If periods are less than 21 days or more than 35 days apart, an underlying issue may be present. This is especially true if periods were regular but have recently changed in frequency. Bleeding between periods, severe pain or heavy bleeding during the period, or a longer period than expected are also signs that additional medical expertise may be required. Before making an appointment, keep track of period details so a recent history can be shared with the doctor.
2. Recurrent miscarriages
Some women have no trouble getting pregnant but can go on to experience a miscarriage. In addition to the emotional burden a miscarriage can cause, there are physical concerns as well. Miscarriage is incredibly common, with at least 30% of pregnancies ending in loss, but many women can go on to have a healthy subsequent pregnancy. However, when repetitive miscarriages occur, an underlying health issue may be playing a role. If a woman experiences more than 2 miscarriages in a row, a consult with a fertility specialist is warranted.
3. Ticking clock
When contemplating conception, men have the luxury of time, but women aren’t so fortunate. With age, egg content and quality can rapidly decline. This means that women who have had difficulty conceiving need to seek help sooner rather than later for the best results. If the woman is under the age of 35, most sources suggest trying to conceive for a year before seeking help. Women over 35 are encouraged to see a fertility specialist after 6 months of trying.
Your partner in pregnancy
An initial appointment with a fertility specialist is a great starting point for discussing all available reproductive options. The provider will likely run some initial tests, such as an ultrasound, and perform blood work. Based on the results, medical history and personal desires, a doctor may suggest starting with a less invasive option, such as ovulatory stimulant medication, or jumping to more advanced interventions, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), right away.
Take charge of fertility
Although a visit to the fertility specialist is not something most people expect to have to do, certain warning signs can indicate that more specialized medical care is needed. An irregular cycle, repeat miscarriages, and not getting pregnant after trying for some time are all reasons to make an appointment with a fertility clinic.